Selected Exhibitions
2017 XI Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy
2013 Galerie Quint-Essences, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
2009 Camden Art Gallery, London, UK
2009 Galerie 64, Hendaye, France
2009 Carrousel du Louvre, Art Shopping, Paris, France
2009 Agora Gallery, Chelsea, New York
2008 Camaver Kunsthaus, Acquasparta, Italy
2006 Espacio Kubiko Gallery, Madrid, Spain
2005 ArteFama, Almería, Spain
2005 Virtuart Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2004 XIV Edition Feria Mercado de los Artistas, Atocha Station, Madrid, Spain
2003 International Prize of Contemporary Art of San Crispino, Italy
2003 Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Contemporánea ‘Culture a confronto’, Trani, Italy
2003 II Biennale Internazionale of contemporary art of Barletta, Bari, Italy
2003 International exhibition of contemporary art ‘Corpo, Segno, Superficie’, Ferrara, Italy